Tuesday, May 27, 2008

something for the ladies...

Even today in the 21st century, a significant pay gap exists between working men and women in the United States. According to the National Committee on Pay Equity, in 2006 women earned approximately 25 percent less than men in the same occupational group with similar qualifications. This figure is especially distressing because it hasn't changed appreciably in the last decade. The National Committee on Pay Equity estimates that this wage gap may not close until 2057.

Though gender discrimination remains a lingering, insidious issue, women have more options than ever for flexible, lucrative employment. Here are five great jobs for women that are narrowing the gender wage gap.

1. Personal Financial Advisor

2. Psychologist/Therapist

3. Entrepreneur

4. Education Administrator

5. Human Resources Manager

Hope the girls are listening...

Source:: Yahoo

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