Sunday, July 13, 2008

iPhone 3g Blah,Blah,Blah!!!!

I have been on a long vacation just to rejuvenate myself. Nevertheless I am back and with much better prospects.

In my back to school writings I would better discuss what is all this madness about the all new iPhone. From the past few weeks I have been at the recieving end for all the nonsense about this new gadget. I mean it isn't any miracle of sorts. It is just another mobile right. It is seen as the next best thing to the Oscars. Owning one of these iPhones is like being on the top of the world.

The worst part comes when the guy standing in the line for the iPhone 3g somewhere in NewZealand is given more publicity than the suffering the world is going through or the devastation the wild fires are causing in California. Nothing personally but I believe this is pure madness and nothing else. Sorry but you all have to accept it.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am with you